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Becoming a Member of Hebron Church

Hebron Church is a community of people who together seek to walk closely with Jesus, each other and the people of Long Ashton. Everyone who comes to the Church activities is a part of the wider church family of Hebron. However, we also invite people to become members of the Church in order to show their commitment to what Hebron is doing. The Church ultimately belongs to the members and the leaders of the church are accountable to the members. So when decisions need to be made, it is the members who are entrusted with the responsibility of deciding Hebron's future and direction before God. Currently, there are about 30 members of Hebron Church and there are 4 members' business meetings annually.

In the New Testament Church, it was normal for people who became Christians to become members of a local Church. In Acts 2:41 for example, those who believed in the good news of Jesus Christ were 'added' to the Church and by the end of the day, the Church leaders ('the apostles') knew that they had exactly 3,000 people who had been counted in and could now be counted upon. So we encourage all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and have been saved, to show their commitment to the Church of Jesus Christ by becoming a member.

If you would like to know more about becoming a member of Hebron Church, please contact us at info@hebron-church.co.uk